Enjoy the resources and begin a guided journey today to help your child and your family as a unit reach its highest potential!
Are you struggling with picky eaters or looking for ways to encourage balanced meals for your family?
Our free guide, Tips for Healthy Eating, offers simple, practical advice to help parents create positive mealtime experiences, introduce variety, and establish healthy habits for children of all ages.
This resource is packed with expert-backed strategies for making healthy eating easier and more enjoyable for your family, from building a calm mealtime environment to inspiring your kids to explore new foods.
Download now and start your journey toward healthier, happier meals today!

Did you know that mouth breathing can impact your child’s health, development, and well-being?
Our free guide, The Effects of Mouth Breathing, explores how this common issue affects sleep, speech, and overall health while providing actionable tips for parents to address it effectively.
Learn how to recognize the signs, understand the potential challenges, and explore therapy options to help your child breathe better and thrive.
Download now to gain valuable insights and take the first step toward improved health for your child!

Smart Pacifier Use
Read our pacifier guidelines written by the owner, SLP Stacy Pulley, and Ninni Pacifier company. Find out about proper oral development and oral reflexes, long-term pacifier use and its effects and when to wean from sucking and start chewing!
Check out some fun and effective tips on working on articulation at home!
Keep your child motivated and engaged while practicing their speech sounds at home. This is a time that they should enjoy and have fun rather than dread becoming frustrated.
Click the button below to find ways to keep articulation practice fun and effective.

What is “tongue thrust” and how does this affect me or my child in the short or long term?
Tongue thrusting is a swallowing pattern where the tongue pushes against or between the front teeth, common in infants but often replaced by a mature swallow as children grow. If uncorrected, tongue thrusting can contribute to dental issues, jaw misalignment, or airway underdevelopment. Factors like thumb sucking, pacifier use, or enlarged tonsils can influence this pattern, and addressing it may also aid in improving speech sound errors.

Tips on organizing attention and regulation at your house today!
Sometimes, children who struggle with focus and attention can appear to present with stubbornness, “selective listening,” lack of organization, or failure to follow through on simple tasks and expectations. By making simple changes, you can create a supportive environment that empowers your child to thrive and become more independent.

Tips on organizing attention and regulation at school today!
Children who struggle with inattention, hyperactivity, and self-regulation can appear to present with stubbornness, “selective listening,” lack of organization, or difficulty following through on simple tasks and expectations. Making simple classroom changes can create a supportive environment that empowers students to thrive and improve independence.