Feel at Home at Family Tree

Family Tree Therapies is a private clinic that specializes in occupational and speech therapy. We began out of a need for more specialized developmental and educational therapies. Our unique approach combines the best of all current research-based therapy techniques and individualize a program for your child.

Research based programs embedded into playful sessions.

Our therapists use research based programming as a foundation during interactive, engaging therapy sessions.

All the expertise, without the clinical vibe.

Our therapists develop personal relationships with the kids and their families in order to build trust and make positive changes quickly.

Connecting with clinicians who understand your needs.

Our clinicians are available for complimentary phone consultations to truly hear and understand your concerns before scheduling your first appointment.

Working as a team to make lasting changes and positive growth.

We work together as a team to understand your child’s sensory system and communication skills to develop an accurate picture of what is missing and help solve the issues at hand. We are fully committed to the overall health, happiness, and success of your child as we address their challenges.

Each of our therapists brings fresh ideas and a unique understanding of your child and that collaboration provides a strong foundation for their success. We work as a team with every client, every time.

Do you have questions regarding your child’s development? Have you shared your concerns with your doctor and not sure of your next steps? We get it.
Let us help you get started.

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