Come and enjoy the talents of our kids at our Grand Rapids location! 6 pm with ice cream treats and popcorn! Bring your own camp chair and enjoy the evening with the kids!

Do you have questions regarding your child’s development? Have you shared your concerns with your doctor and not sure of your next steps? We get it.
Let us help you get started.
Do you have questions or concerns regarding your child?
Are you not sure where to start or what to do?
My baby is very difficult to soothe and hates tummy time. Should I think about therapy for her?
My daughter is anxious and has a really hard time joining in social situations or playing with kids her own age. She doesn’t have a diagnosis, but I’m worried. Should I think about therapy for her?
My child has sensory processing challenges. His clothes have to be just right. He can’t stand certain types of movement, puts everything in his mouth, and he’s always crashing into things. Can you help?
I have general concerns regarding my child’s development, my doctor say he will grow out of it, is there something I can do now?
My son has a very difficult time paying attention, following directions, and reading. Could you help me figure out why he has these challenges and give us tools to help him?
My child doesn’t like certain foods and seems to be very selective when it comes to eating. He has a hard time chewing things. Would therapy help?