Yelling? Arguing? Behavior concerns? Shifting your perspective will create meaningful change in your family.

Raising a child into a capable adult is a journey. We must constantly utilize new challenges to shape their future selves. This will lead to less power struggles and more independence and adult capabilities.  It will create more open communication and connection. We understand that at each stage in your child’s development new challenges, new issues, and new ideas begin to arise.  Subtle shift in your communication style can have a huge impact on behavior and regulation for both of you!

We know that having a personal guide through this journey is imperative. There will be questions – a LOT of questions! So, we created an online course called Raising Future Adults. In addition to this course, you will find a Facebook community, live workshops, Live Q and A support weekly, resources, podcasts, tips on social media and more!

This will be life changing. We absolutely promise. We will walk beside you on this journey and it will make all the difference for your family now and for the rest of your life!

We'll work on these skills:

  • Understanding that all behavior is communication and how to decode your child's behavior.
  • Teaching parents direct, respectful communication skills that will help their child regulate their emotions, be cooperative and improve their communication.
  • Empowering families to work together, heal relationships and find solutions together

Therapy can benefit kids with:

  • "Oppositional Defiant Disorder"
  • Behavioral or Emotional challenges
  • Struggles with siblings
  • Disconnection from family or peers

It can benefit parents with:

  • Stress in the home
  • Discipline questions/battles
  • New ways to find cooperation and respect among family members
  • Reasonable solutions that help them to reduce anger and arguments

Our Raising Future Adults community offers direct communication solutions to help reconnect families who are feeling powerless, disconnected or stressed on their parenting journey. Parents feel empowered when learning a communication style that offers discipline that teaches future life skills.



Do you have questions regarding your child’s development? Have you shared your concerns with your doctor and not sure of your next steps? We get it.
Let us help you get started.

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